Sunday, December 9, 2007
Video #3
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Ah Alast!
At the moment I only have it up on Rapidshare, but I'll try to get it up on Youtube asap!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hey guys
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Back...once again
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My second video!
It's been out a while now, just not sure if anyone has seen it.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My video link
Just wanna post up a link to my video! Check it out and let me know how it is!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just wanna give u guys a quick update of whats going on in my FFXI world. Let me first off start by saying im am about 75% done with my video. It is coming along great I think. Ive spent many hours on it...trying to make things just the way I want it. Im shootin to complete it by next week! We shall see what happens though. So I had to take a lil time away from my FFXI life a few weeks this month....and OMG, can I just say how bad I was wantin to I think ive got crazy addiction problems. lol. But I am back into my gamer mode...and I am shootin for the stars with my Ranger. I want 75 asap! I lvled the other day on ranger and went from 63-65 in one party. lol...of course exp was hella fast because everyone knows Colibri are {Too Weak} vs Rangers. Anyway, Im gonna go. See ya all on the game!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Is someone actually reading this? o.O

So thats them. I look pretty secksie huh? LoL. I really wanted to hit lvl 63 yesterday when I lvled Ranger, but everyone had to leave when I was 3k tnl. So im still 62...I can pretty much taste my new axe though. It's called the Fransisca (or something like that) and I got it a looong time ago and thought I would never use it...but it's just the perfect axe for a Ranger because it boosts notonly RATT, but RACC by 7! Plus it looks cool. lol..
On another note, Ive been having so much fun with Ramuh and his new move Thunderstorm, that I've decided to take some pics of him in action! They look pretty cool, but if you're not a SMN lover like myself, u may just think it's pretty retarted. But here is one of my best avatars doing an awesome move called Thunderstorm on a Colibri.:

Well, that's all I got for today! Leave me sum lovin and comments please! <3
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Me being me...woot!

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saddened little Mithra...

Friday, June 29, 2007
Why HNM LS's are stressful
PS- sorry bout not havin any pics this time...kinda didnt take any. =)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I'm back bitches!
Sorry its been so long....and omg how Ive missed u all! I think im all settled in my new place though! Yay for me! Ok, so even though I havent had much time to blog or hang out with my awesome LS pplz, anytime I did come on ive been focusing on ranger. I managed to get all my AF due to some awesome LS mates. Thanx again for helpin me on that pplz! So last night I finally hit lvl 58...which means that I can FINALLY wear my Ranger body AF that ive been wanting for such a long time! I look soooo kick ass. Cant wait till lvl 60...ill be all pimpin in my RNG AF. =) Ok, just so ya'll know ahead of planning to write a lot in this particular it'll prob be like 5 pages long. lol. Well, not 5...but its all good. I just got so much i wanna talk about! Ok, one thing I got on my mind right now...last night Hou (he's got such a long name, so I just call him Hou for short) told me about a video he posted on youtube the other day....and I feel famous! Im in it!!! Yay for me! lol...granted its only like 2 lil scenes...but im still famous! Oh, and im in the background when we we're killing a demon as well! LoL. Anyway, while I was on the youtube website, which i generally dont use very often, I couldn't hear any volume. Apparently he had music going on in the background and it wasnt working. Does anyone reading this know what I need to do to get that working properly? Cuz yea, Im sure it woulda been like 10 times beter with music! It's been an ongoing issue with me that ive tried to do anything with youtube, and i am sick of it! lol. Ok, new topic gonna post some pictures of me as my Ranger wearin my AF! I look like a thug with a hat thats got a pott leaf on it. LoL...fits me purrrrrfectly...*winks* lol. Speaking of which...*lights a bowl* LoL, jk! or not...who knows. =P I know, Im evil. lol. So lets see, what else has been going on...Oh yea, i wanna thank all the guys that helped me get my Monastic Cavern coffer key the other day. Listen to how cool my LS mates are...i had friends come over and drag me out of the house pretty much...i left my character on in a pt and they got me the coffer key while i was afk! OMG i love u all! Its been a few weeks, so I dont remember who exactly was there....but I know for a fact Jean, Cold, and a few others were there....u guys rawk my sawks. <3

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
<<< is seriously Madaru!
So I can prob go a few days without satisfying my FFXI addiction...but this is getting crazy. :( Last time Ive really been on was on Sunday...its now Wednesday. Im ready to pull my hair out! But trust me...when im all setteled in i'll prob be on a lot...cuz i needa save money like crazy now. Icky bills....eww...i feel like such an adult now. :( I was perfectly content just having to pay my car insurance and gas! I think im turning Amish! HA, ya without eletricity....I so wouldnt last 2 days doin that. MUST HAVE MY ELETRICITY. lol. Anyway, Imma go pack some more and then goof off online a lil bit before its my bedtime! Anyone readin this leave me some comments so I know ur actually reading YES, that means u too Elov. lol. See ya'll lataz!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Must play FFXI...

Friday, May 18, 2007
must lvl Ranger...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Just another day in the neighborhood...

Sunday, May 13, 2007
PCC {mine}
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Well, this is officially my first log entry...ill try and do more as often as i can. Please leave me some comments or ideas...anything! Thanx for stoppin bye!