So to those of you who arent aware, I have joined the linkshell Conviction full time. This required hours of thinking, and I intend to stay in MoogleArmy as well, but most of my ffxi time will prob be dedicated to the following things:
A) Helping friends
B) LS events and farming
C) leveling Ranger and meriting.
It was really hard for me to decide to actually join another HNM LS after the failed attempts in Shinra and SOTL.
But Ive decided, with the help of a few good friends for support, to take the spot available in Conviction. Im really looking forward to doing Dynamis with the LS. They are going to need the experience of a talented Summoner to be successful in dynamis as the LS has just started doing dynamis together as a LS. I believe I can provide the LS much skill when it comes to Dynamis. So what else has been going on? My good friend Hou is taking a break from the game for a lil while. I miss him extremly. We've become good friends as of late and we've been keeping in touch via messages, but its not the same at all. We had a lot of good times! Things with me and Elov have gotten a lil better. He's still a cocky SOB, but it's all good. I can deal with his cockiness...just cant deal with him bein retarted and jealous n ish. I got some new merit attacks with my avatar Ramuh. He picked up a powerful spell that looks a lot cooler then it actually is. Thunderstorm is the name of the attack, however, unless I spend more merits solely on it, it's a very weak are all merit attacks by the avatars. However, thats not going to stop me from occassionally summoning Ramuh and showing off his new awesome-looking attack. I intend to get all the avatar attacks in the future. Also, I wanna congratulate Chriseh on getting his Joytoy. even tho ur a jerk quite often to me, i am proud of u for gettin such an awesome weapon. See you again!!
PS- Here is a photo of me in my first successful sky god run...Suzzy was crying after our LS defeated him without even breaking a sweat. =)

very nice, of the gods i have only done susaku and byakko. seems like you guys pwned susaku way to go :)
omg we pwn gods every week lal
anyway thanks for the mention lawl >.>
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