Monday, August 27, 2007

Hey Guys!
Just wanna give u guys a quick update of whats going on in my FFXI world. Let me first off start by saying im am about 75% done with my video. It is coming along great I think. Ive spent many hours on it...trying to make things just the way I want it. Im shootin to complete it by next week! We shall see what happens though. So I had to take a lil time away from my FFXI life a few weeks this month....and OMG, can I just say how bad I was wantin to I think ive got crazy addiction problems. lol. But I am back into my gamer mode...and I am shootin for the stars with my Ranger. I want 75 asap! I lvled the other day on ranger and went from 63-65 in one party. lol...of course exp was hella fast because everyone knows Colibri are {Too Weak} vs Rangers. Anyway, Im gonna go. See ya all on the game!

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