Sunday, May 13, 2007

PCC {mine}

So to add on top of some achievements that Ive yet to do....the last two days I was able to do somethin that Ive never done before. Last night a random person needed a NIN for BC40 and i figured, what the hell...i got time to kill. I went first with a random of I thought was pretty funny. So needless to say I got the drop...made my night. Then earlier today i made a party with Darkwarrior and some others...including a mithra warrior who seemed very cool and talkative. We decided to give BC40 a run after i told them how lucky i was to get a PCC. The warrior came as rdm and me and Dark were nins. I ended up going last after the rdm got her drop and Dark didnt get his. I figured there would be no way in hell id ever get a 2nd peacock charm, but i sent mine to my mule just in case a miracle would happen. Thank god i did that! It dropped! I was sooo happy! I managed to get 7 mil worth of items in a matter of 2 days! And I dont have to share the wealth with anyone...but I was a nice kitty and bought Elov his RSE2 gloves. He was sayin that he wanted i suprised him and got him a pair. So now im gonna be an Impossible to Gauge Ranger with my peacock charm! And to top it off, I now have enough gil to maybe pick up a new HQ staff and my E bow! This has been one killer week in FFXI for me! Thanx for stoppin by! Wish I knew how to put pics up...but I havent figured that out yet! Well, see ya!

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