Sunday, August 5, 2007

Is someone actually reading this? o.O

Whats up pplz!

Thanx for stopping by once again for another interview with the one and only Vampslayer. o.O Yea right, I'll be lucky if a whole person actually reads this! LoL, jk. Anyway, just wanted to update sum things that happened the last few days! lol. Also I took some pretty cool pics that i wanna show everyone as well. <3

So the other day I decided to spend the rest of my spending money on a new gun for Ranger. I kinda regret it, because here I was thinking that guns are suppose to be pretty powerful in the game...and u cant even compare it to a good ol fashion bow and arrow. Of course, that may have a lil something to do with the fact that Ive got like the best bow in the Anyway, i still looked pretty damn cool sportin a gun, so I took a couple pics of it! Here they are!

So thats them. I look pretty secksie huh? LoL. I really wanted to hit lvl 63 yesterday when I lvled Ranger, but everyone had to leave when I was 3k tnl. So im still 62...I can pretty much taste my new axe though. It's called the Fransisca (or something like that) and I got it a looong time ago and thought I would never use it...but it's just the perfect axe for a Ranger because it boosts notonly RATT, but RACC by 7! Plus it looks cool. lol..

On another note, Ive been having so much fun with Ramuh and his new move Thunderstorm, that I've decided to take some pics of him in action! They look pretty cool, but if you're not a SMN lover like myself, u may just think it's pretty retarted. But here is one of my best avatars doing an awesome move called Thunderstorm on a Colibri.:

Well, that's all I got for today! Leave me sum lovin and comments please! <3


Anonymous said...

lol Vampy... thiers always much love ^^

aww sucks to hear about the party disband. but you'll get it. can't wait to see your rng 75 now that would be sexy ^^

-party like a rockstar

Coldwind said...

those are some sexy screen shots looks amazing, sorry you didn't level but you will get it soon anyways, keep it up :)

Hyourin said...

/gives love to vamp

part of the reason why I wanna lvl is just b/c I can whip out a badass gun. =p

Katsumoto said...