So I can prob go a few days without satisfying my FFXI addiction...but this is getting crazy. :( Last time Ive really been on was on Sunday...its now Wednesday. Im ready to pull my hair out! But trust me...when im all setteled in i'll prob be on a lot...cuz i needa save money like crazy now. Icky bills....eww...i feel like such an adult now. :( I was perfectly content just having to pay my car insurance and gas bills...now...omg...rent...eletricity....ahhh! I think im turning Amish! HA, ya right...me without eletricity....I so wouldnt last 2 days doin that. MUST HAVE MY ELETRICITY. lol. Anyway, Imma go pack some more and then goof off online a lil bit before its my bedtime! Anyone readin this leave me some comments so I know ur actually reading this...lol. YES, that means u too Elov. lol. See ya'll lataz!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Must play FFXI...
So I'm moving out of my parents house...and all weekend all ive been doing is packing and shit. It sucks because its cutting into my FFXI time. Today (Monday) is one of the few days that I actually have time to go on and do things outside of SotL's events...and I didnt get a chance to come on at all. Kinda sucks, but oh well. As for my move...who woulda thought I have so much shit. lol. Ive already loaded 4 full boxes and i havent even made a dent on all the shit ive got. Ya'll needa come out here and help me with this move. lol. Well, I havent taken any new pics on FFXI, so i figured Id throw this picture up of me...lol. I was goofin off at work one day...and yea...enough said! Hope u likes!
Friday, May 18, 2007
must lvl Ranger...

LoL. Well, for those of you who don't know, there are a lot of goals and accomplishments i wanna have happen while I play this game. One of my new goals are to get Ranger to lvl 75! I don't know exactly why I decided to lvl Ranger...I guess it would have to be because I've seen these high lvl Rangers in SotL inflict very heavy damage whenever we're doing some kind of event. So I was in a party as Ranger yesterday...and I dunno what the reason is...but I had a Paladin and a NIN in the party...and neither of them bastards could keep the hate off me. That is kinda annoying cuz I try my hardest to kill the mob as quickly as possible but then risk dieing cuz of the hate I gather. I suppose I could slow down my shooting, but that would just mean that it dies slower...and we cant have that. lol. Im all about fast chaining exp and no downtime. Yesterday I also made a party for me and Elov...now that party was awesome. managed to get my lvl 75 back, a 12k buffer, and 2 merit points in a matter of about 2 hoursish. lol. War tp parties with a brd puller is the way to go! But anyway, heres a pic of us in the party I took cuz I was bored. lol. Hope u like!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Just another day in the neighborhood...
Hey guys!
Thanx for stoppin by. So anyone reading this atm thats is familiar with this particular site...please help me! I dont know how to post pictures up on this thing! O hold on a second...im a complete dumbass at times. I just looked up and found the "add image" button. LMAO. Well, I just found these pictures I took before a recent Dynamis-Bastok. A bunch of us from SOTL ate that item that gives us the disguise to look like Galka kids...and we all surrounded Darth and pretended that he was our father! lmao...so heres the picture. U had to be there to get a kick out of it though.
Well, thats all I got for today! See ya all soon!

Sunday, May 13, 2007
PCC {mine}
So to add on top of some achievements that Ive yet to do....the last two days I was able to do somethin that Ive never done before. Last night a random person needed a NIN for BC40 and i figured, what the hell...i got time to kill. I went first with a random of 969...lol...which I thought was pretty funny. So needless to say I got the drop...made my night. Then earlier today i made a party with Darkwarrior and some others...including a mithra warrior who seemed very cool and talkative. We decided to give BC40 a run after i told them how lucky i was to get a PCC. The warrior came as rdm and me and Dark were nins. I ended up going last after the rdm got her drop and Dark didnt get his. I figured there would be no way in hell id ever get a 2nd peacock charm, but i sent mine to my mule just in case a miracle would happen. Thank god i did that! It dropped! I was sooo happy! I managed to get 7 mil worth of items in a matter of 2 days! And I dont have to share the wealth with anyone...but I was a nice kitty and bought Elov his RSE2 gloves. He was sayin that he wanted em...so i suprised him and got him a pair. So now im gonna be an Impossible to Gauge Ranger with my peacock charm! And to top it off, I now have enough gil to maybe pick up a new HQ staff and my E bow! This has been one killer week in FFXI for me! Thanx for stoppin by! Wish I knew how to put pics up...but I havent figured that out yet! Well, see ya!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
So this has been a pretty good week for me in the world of FFXI. My bestest best friend I made on ffxi, Elov, decided he was gonna come back. For any of you who are actually reading this, and dont know how close me and Elov are...then u dont know me at all! LoL! So now the tricky part...tryin to get him into SotL with me and Kyss and a few other MA members. Also one achievement Ive done this week was get my dynamis-beaudicine clear! Im so excited about that! And to top it off i did not die once at all!
Well, this is officially my first log entry...ill try and do more as often as i can. Please leave me some comments or ideas...anything! Thanx for stoppin bye!
Well, this is officially my first log entry...ill try and do more as often as i can. Please leave me some comments or ideas...anything! Thanx for stoppin bye!
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