Thursday, August 30, 2007
My video link
Just wanna post up a link to my video! Check it out and let me know how it is!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just wanna give u guys a quick update of whats going on in my FFXI world. Let me first off start by saying im am about 75% done with my video. It is coming along great I think. Ive spent many hours on it...trying to make things just the way I want it. Im shootin to complete it by next week! We shall see what happens though. So I had to take a lil time away from my FFXI life a few weeks this month....and OMG, can I just say how bad I was wantin to I think ive got crazy addiction problems. lol. But I am back into my gamer mode...and I am shootin for the stars with my Ranger. I want 75 asap! I lvled the other day on ranger and went from 63-65 in one party. lol...of course exp was hella fast because everyone knows Colibri are {Too Weak} vs Rangers. Anyway, Im gonna go. See ya all on the game!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Is someone actually reading this? o.O

So thats them. I look pretty secksie huh? LoL. I really wanted to hit lvl 63 yesterday when I lvled Ranger, but everyone had to leave when I was 3k tnl. So im still 62...I can pretty much taste my new axe though. It's called the Fransisca (or something like that) and I got it a looong time ago and thought I would never use it...but it's just the perfect axe for a Ranger because it boosts notonly RATT, but RACC by 7! Plus it looks cool. lol..
On another note, Ive been having so much fun with Ramuh and his new move Thunderstorm, that I've decided to take some pics of him in action! They look pretty cool, but if you're not a SMN lover like myself, u may just think it's pretty retarted. But here is one of my best avatars doing an awesome move called Thunderstorm on a Colibri.:

Well, that's all I got for today! Leave me sum lovin and comments please! <3
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Me being me...woot!