But, I'm not gonna let that dissappoint me. I have other things that are doing that instead. Elov, my once true friend who would do anything for me....seems to have decided to be a bitch to me lately. I normally wouldnt care if it was just any person, cuz I do get that a lot...however, Elov and I have been through so much. Thats why it puzzles me as to why he decided to build this barrier around our friendship...but hey, I cant just sit here and be sad bout it...gotta move on and get over it right? Hell ya!
Another dissappointing event I had to go through lately was a fight 1 on 1 against the infamous Jeangallo. He set me up u see. He and Sofrid plotted against me and set the fight up so that no one can use items...because the last fight me and Jean had I murdered him in under a minute with my echo drops and Fenrir's dispel effect > Eclipse Bite. He died very quickly. The thing that dissappointed me the most about this wasnt that I lost the fight...(even though I was screwed b/c they didnt tell me i couldnt use items until the fight was over)....but the fact that after the fight Jean turned around and tried to gloat. That doesnt cut it with me...sorry. Im too much of a bitch to let that go down. So needless to say Jean is /panic around me...with good reason....cuz Jean, u will feel the wrath of Predator Claws again. =)